Monday, August 14, 2017

Justice system - FOR

The New Zealand Justice System forth

Three Key points:
  • Sentences should be more harsh if it has to do with violent crimes.
  • Families should feel like the judge did them justice and they should be able to feel closure.
  • How would you like it if people who have committed violent crimes were on your street and you knew what they were capable of would you feel safe or want them to have to be sentenced for longer.

  • Key Point 1: Longer sentences should be given for violent crimes.
  • Fact: 5 year old girl was raped by a 16 year old who was supoose to be her baby-sitter, not only was he under the substance of marijuana but this offence happened in 2015 but was only brought up now was only sentenced ½ years with rehabilitation.

  • Nia Glassie tortured,abused,by what we called family only sentenced 3-4 years.

  • Key Point 2: Justice system should be longer , so the victim & their families feel like they shouldn’t have to worry about an incident occurring again so they know justice was served.
  • Fact: If sentence were longer for violent crimes the communities wouldn’t worry as much for their safety.

  • Would you want to spend your life knowing that criminals who have done stupid things and you could be next or know that their being kept behind bars serving a sentence long enough for you to find your safety again.


  1. Dear for justice system

    With all due respect our comment to your group is that we think pronunciation is the key to a great presentation which you are lacking on.
    Sincere apology

    For housing group

  2. You held very good information that could really make people think and wonder however instead of stating crimes could yous try and state criminals or crimes that were ignore and didn't get a good enough sentence

  3. You held very good information that could really make people think and wonder however instead of stating crimes could yous try and state criminals or crimes that were ignore and didn't get a good enough sentence

  4. I like that yous had a lot of things to say but next time pronounce some of the words yous said properly

  5. Your information was good. You had great key points, but maybe tell us what their sentence was.

  6. Good points but there from a while ago and they were all about sexual things and i only heard one key point and the rest was articles. Could be a bit more prepared but it was good.
