Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Wednesday 8th work for Period 3, 4 & 5!

Kia Ora team,

Period 3

Today period 3 you will be working on:

1. Completing the Careers Quest work that you started yesterday (I know most of you have finished this)

2. Completing the research skills tasks on the settlement of Rotorua. I have shared the doc for this via email to you all but if you cant find it there is a link to it here. Make sure that you share this to me once you have completed all the tasks so that I can add it to your literacy portfolio. Make sure that your work for the paragraph writing section is in your OWN WORDS and is referenced correctly, I will be checking!

Period 4

Today period 4 you will be working on:

Writing your first journal entry for 2017. Open a google doc to be your journal for this year and head up with today's date and the title of your journal entry. This piece of writing will go toward your literacy portfolio.

  • Your journal entry for today is to be about a place in Rotorua that is special to you
  • Describe in detail how your special place looks, the sights, sounds, smells and how this place makes you feel - try to describe this in a way that a reader could close their eyes and be able to picture the place.
  • Why is this place important to you? What do you do when you are there?
  • What do you know about the history of the place? Has it always been as it is now? What was it like in the past? If you do not know anything about the history of the place use your imagination to write about how you think the place might have been in the past.
The above suggestions/questions are there as a guide for you - if there are extra things that you would like to add to your journal entry please do! 

This writing exercise is about being descriptive and detailed to give a real sense of this place and how it makes you feel, not about writing short simple answers to the questions. 

Period 5

Period 5 is our first health lesson of the year and will combine your knowledge of Hauora with your inquiry skills.

  • Using news websites (e.g. stuff.co.nz) search for news articles that you feel relate to Hauora (e.g. recent news about notes sent home to parents discouraging lunchbox treats relates to physical wellbeing (taha tinana))
  • You must find one article that you feel relates specifically to each aspect of Hauora (Taha Tinana, Taha Wairua, Taha Hinengaro and Taha Wairua), so 4 articles in total
  • Create a doc that includes, for each article:
    • An explanation of which aspect of hauora you feel it relates to and why
    • A quote from the article that you feel highlights the link to the aspect of hauora
If you get stuck search Health/PE on the FFL website and there is a resource there to help you 

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