Numeracy Task 1
Your tasks have been set for the Numeracy tasks are in the google slide below. Remember that in our class we believe that everyone will develop their own learner agency!
For these activities you will need to show how you can be a
"Lifelong Learner"
I am self aware, I set achievable goals, manage my time effectively, I plan my learning and can evaluate my own learning and the learning of others.
Work your way through the activities that are on the google slide - develop your own strategies for being able to stay on task and free from distractions.
For these activities you will need to show how you can be a
"Lifelong Learner"
I am self aware, I set achievable goals, manage my time effectively, I plan my learning and can evaluate my own learning and the learning of others.
Work your way through the activities that are on the google slide - develop your own strategies for being able to stay on task and free from distractions.
The first two rows are to be completed in this block.
The Statistics workbook is to be completed over the coming weeks to assist with collecting data, sorting and interpreting data for your project.
The Statistics workbook is to be completed over the coming weeks to assist with collecting data, sorting and interpreting data for your project.

Good luck
isn't it "Mai Maketu ki Tongariro"? lol