Today we will unpack the PPDAC cycle which is used to investigate a topic using statistics. A solid statistics investigation will strengthen your understanding and provide evidence for your inquiry into the current state of marine life in New Zealand and allow you to make more accurate predictions for the future. This will put you in a better position to suggest appropriate action for a sustainable future for generations to come.
I will offer at least two Achievement Standards this year on Statistics.
If you want more information on these click the links provided.
1.10 Multivariate Data
1.11 Bivariate Data
My goal is to combine the Math & Science standards so we do not need to complete as many assessments and can focus on the learning not the testing.
1. Have a clear understanding of the use of data.
2. Provide evidence to be used to make decisions in our inquiry.
3. Be able to analyse from both a science and mathematical viewpoint
4. Combine Maths & Science standards, first we must know the similarities and differences in the language we use for each subject.
5. To achieve at a Merit & Excellence.
Start a new document titled Statistics Introduction. (alternatively you can use your exercise book.
What is the PPDAC cycle?
The question is very important as it needs to drive your investigation.
Using the "Write my essay" technique POWER SENTENCE you must create at least 8 questions using 12 words. Try and vary the types of questions you ask by looking at Marine life from different perspectives (viewpoints) Such as People, Environment, Technology, Self, Others, Society, Protection/Conservation, Economic ($), Government, Sustainability
TASK 2: Understanding the key vocab of statistics
(Khan Academy --> Statistics & Probability --> Start from the basics
This section introduces new vocabulary. If you find some words or tasks difficult be sure to note these down to discuss next lesson.
(Do we need to create a Lolly Jar for new words like last year?)
Complete as many tasks as you can starting with Identifying individuals, variables . . . . . .

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