Everyone to complete
When they reeched France they were pakked into trians, which stoppped and started and crawled all day along the overcrowded tracks. The country didn’t look so diferent. Pepole worked the feilds just as the lads had done bac home. Some of the workeers unbent their backs and waveed as the trains went bye. The solidiers finaly arrived at a small station that had grown into a vast supply depot. Trains and trucks were being shunted and unloaded. Moutains of stores, horse lines and mule liens were everywhere and ther was a babel of shouted commands. Then at lsat they were of the trains and marching. Will felt god to bee out in the fresh air and swinging along with his maets.
During our spring break from school I plan to visit my grandmather. She lives in Indiana so it is a traet to be able to spend time with her. Granmather always has tons of activitys planned for us. We visit the Childrenn’s Museum and attend a play at the community center. Last year grandmother invited the neighborhood grils to a tea party at her home. We all dressd up in hats and furs. My week with grandmother is always very specail.
Extra for experts
George new that he shouldn't drink alchohol on a Wedsday night, especially since his govermnet proffesor had schedualed an important exam on Thrusday. However, he beleived he would loose his friends if he didn't go out with them. The pressure to fit in with his peers was worst then the fear of bad grades. To be popular among his friends, one had to be either a musclar athelete or a wild and crazy drinker. George realy could not concieve how it was posible for a student to consume huge quanities of liquor and still suceed in school. Maybe the drinkers were just more briliant than he was. He didn't even enjoy the passtime of spending ours in a bar trying to persue a temperary feeling of excitement and "fun." Somehow he expected the cheif of campus security to catch him and the university administration to expell him. But George didn't posses enough courage to express his opion to his friends. He was certian they would tell him to mind his own buisness. Also, he did't want to be seperated from his friends. So he planed to meet them at a local restaraunt, have a few drinks, leave early, take some asprin, and spend a few ours studing for the exam.
very nice blog post