Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Inquiry Task - Written Report
Its time to pull all your research together and start writing your report.
Go to our google classroom where you will see that the task has been set.
Go to our google classroom where you will see that the task has been set.
Due date: Friday 9th September - Day 2
(No exceptions!)
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Rules and Laws
One of the things the government of your Brave New World must do, is establish some rules and laws in order to keep peace and order and to protect the people. Have a look at the slide presentation about Rules and Laws so you understand the reasons and ideas around the creation of laws. Then write your own set of rules and laws for your new civilisation.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Exploring your Brave New World
This morning you have one period to go through and complete the tasks as outlined in the Google Slide.
Use a google doc or slide to record your research information. Once you have completed - please post onto your Blog.
Use a google doc or slide to record your research information. Once you have completed - please post onto your Blog.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Please practise each of the skills as and when you need them using the resources on the website. ( I have given directions within the slides).
Once you have completed the practice tasks. Complete the tasks on the LAST SLIDE and upload to your personal blog. You have one full timetable cycle to complete this task in class and for homework.
Click link to access task
Please practise each of the skills as and when you need them using the resources on the website. ( I have given directions within the slides).
Once you have completed the practice tasks. Complete the tasks on the LAST SLIDE and upload to your personal blog. You have one full timetable cycle to complete this task in class and for homework.
Click link to access task
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
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Read through the INFOGRAPHIC (created in PIKTOCHART)
Think about what information is going to help you with your 4 key questions and what you will need to survive in your new civilisation.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Week 4 Literacy Activity
Week 4 Literacy Activity
For this week's Literacy activity you are able to explore questions that help you think about the details within your civilisation once you have established its place.
Do the tasks coloured RED. IN A DOC with the same heading
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Technology Design Brief
Technology Brief
This term we will be going into our contributing schools (eg Rotorua intermediate, Kaitao etc) to promote Rotorua Girls High School. We need you, the FFL class to design and make a video clip that promotes the positive features of our school.
Design Specifications
- Create a video about RGHS or FFL
- It must be between 1 - 2 mins long
- It must use at least three different technology tools, eg
- Screencastify
- Lego animation
- iMovie
- Scratch
- Movie Maker
- Video Star
- Prezi
- Coggle
- Viva video
- And any other tool that you think would be appropriate
- Music and language used in the video clip must be appropriate to our school values
- Your video clip needs to inspire other students to want to come to our school.
You will have 5 class periods to work on this, and you may need to allocate homework time to complete this task. This will be due to present to our class on: 19th August Period 1
- Storyboard (Sketch and write) your plan for your video before your begin production.
- Make Video clip
- Present to class
Marking (out of 10)
Is the information in your video correct?
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Visual Literacy
Is the layout and visual impact appropriately designed for the audience ?
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Have you considered the film techniques that will best communicate your message?
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Have you presented ideas in a logical and coherent way to the audience?
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Is the layout and visual impact presented in a professional manner?
Click here for the storyboard planning sheet
Library Session Week 4
Find at least ONE resource in the NON FICTION section to help support you answering one of your key questions.
In your working documents - you will need to answer the following points:
In your working documents - you will need to answer the following points:
- Provide an overview of the book and how it is useful for your inquiry/project work
- Identify 5 key things from the resource (book) that will help you understand your key question.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Part Two - Collecting Information
Part Two - Collecting information
By now everyone should have completed the following:
1. Driving Question
2. Four Key Questions
For each of your key questions make sure that your mentor has checked over your brainstorm. Refer to this link for an example of a brainstorm for a key question.
When you research your key questions - you need to base your research on what happens currently and what/how you can/will adapt to survive and build your new civilisation.
What needs to be completed for the next Inquiry/project block:
Click on this Picture to read the next 'hand in' tasks you will be required to complete
Go to Google Classroom and read through the tasks that you will need to submit on day two - Monday the 15th August
Here's your to do list:
1. Primary Sources
Primary sources are original material that is collected first hand and is usually unedited, such as interviews, surveys, news reports, blogs etc.
Find TWO primary sources of information for each of your key questions. Use the templates that we have given to record your information.
2. Secondary Sources
Secondary sources are materials that you have collected from books, newspapers,television programmes, movies, some websites etc.
Find TWO secondary sources of information for each of your key questions. Again you can use the templates that we have given you to record your information.
3. Survey Planning
To learn more about planning your survey - Click on this link: Survey Planning
To learn how to create a Survey on google form - click on this link: Google Forms
Make sure you get at least two people to check your survey before you send it out.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Create a doc as instructed on slide,
adjust the exercises to your project so create examples that link to that,
use the supplied links to get examples or find others to use and post if you do,
do the tasks coloured RED.
Literacy Tasks Slides
Create a doc as instructed on slide,
adjust the exercises to your project so create examples that link to that,
use the supplied links to get examples or find others to use and post if you do,
do the tasks coloured RED.
Literacy Tasks Slides
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Please open the following link.
Follow the instructions set out in the presentation.
You are required to complete all tasks in red and add to your personal blog.
There are three paper tasks, you need to add these to your red folder to collect evidence for Numeracy skills.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Term 3 Inquiry
Term 3 Inquiry
This term you will be working on an inquiry about Creating a new civilisation. Ms Vari has shared with you the ‘A Brave New World’ powerpoint where you were introduced to the topic.
Create a Brave New World folder in your Google drive. All of your working notes, resources, slides, drawings, documents etc will need to be saved into this folder.
For this Inquiry project your driving question has been given to you this time and it is:
How will your group
survive and establish a
civilization that will stand
the test of time?
What you need to do next is to create 4 key questions to support your driving questions. Make sure you look at ‘A Brave New World’ powerpoint on our website as there are supporting questions in there that Ms Vari has given you.
You will also need to brainstorm around each of your key questions to ensure that you understand the different areas and resources that you will need as part of your collecting information stage. There are a lot of resources on the website if you need support. Check out the Science and Social Science pages to start with. I have given an example of a very basic brainstorm for one key question to get you started.

Go to your google classroom to ensure that you complete the “hand in” aspects of Planning by the Friday the 5th August.
You will be required to complete some of this work in your own time - Yes that is right HOMEWORK!
Good luck and keep positive! If you have any questions contact your mentor either through email or during face to face class time.
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